Have you ever wanted to get your personal Astrology Birth Chart done?
Look no further! All Things Mystickal & Magickal can do your personal Astrology Chart! You will need to provide us with your birth date - month, day and year, time of birth - am or pm and the location - country, city and state you were born.
This service is only available from our web site.Included in the Astrology Chart is information about:
Your Birthchart - understanding your needs & potential
Your Family Relationships - understanding your family dynamics
Your Money - understanding your financial potential
Your Soul's Purpose - discover your karma & destiny
Your Future - understand & maximize your potential
Your Health & Wellness - a guide to holistic health
Your Sex Life - understanding your approach to passion, trust & intimacy
You can choose an additional option for $5.00 more to add information about:
Your Romantic Relationships - discover your love potential - You will need to provide the birth information of the person you would like to know about your romantic relationship with.
You can also choose an additional option for $5.00 more to add information about:
Travels & Relocation - Finding the best place for you - You will need to provide the place you are thinking about moving or vacationing. (i.e. city, state & country)
Your personal Astrology Chart printout will be approximately 70 - 90 pages long depending on the options you add and full of information!
If ordering, be sure to e-mail us at
orders@MystickalandMagickal.com with your birth date - month, day and year, time of birth - am or pm and the location - country, city and state you were born.
If you are adding the section to find out information about a Romantic Relationship, you will need to provide the birth information for the person you would like to know about your romantic relationship with, (ie: their birth date - month, day and year, their time of birth - am or pm and the location - country, city and state they were born).
If you are adding the section to find out about Travels & Relocation, you will need to provide the city, state and / or country of the place you are thinking about moving or vacationing.
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